Marketing the College Experience
I'm of those who believe that excesses in all matters are not a good idea, whether it's formation of bubbles, whether it's excess in the...
How to Get a Mortgage with Student Loans
On a regular basis, my clients reach out because they want to buy a home but run into trouble getting approved for a mortgage because of...
How Do Loan Strategies Affect Credit?
I would absolutely love to go on a rant about how credit is used to enslave us as human beings making it impossible to make a financial...
The "Starting Your Own Non-Profit" Scam
“The Only Thing More Expensive Than Education Is Ignorance.” -Benjamin Franklin This scam has a very special place in my heart, therefore...
Taxes On Forgiveness Strategies
There is a big question I often get when it comes to student loan forgiveness: “Won’t I get a huge tax bill at the end?” or “Yeah...
Lack of Financial Education in School
“The number one problem in today's generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.” - Alan Greenspan There is something very...
Education Reform: Are All These Subjects Really Necessary?
“Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come.” -Victor Hugo We have all heard this from students in almost every grade of...
Meditation in Schools: A Turn Toward Mindfulness
“When your attention moves into the Now, there is an alertness. It is as if you were waking up from a dream, the dream of thought, the...
It’s Time to Reform the Horrible Standardized Testing Process
If my future were determined just by my performance on a standardized test, I wouldn't be here. I guarantee you that. -Michelle Obama...
Relationship Trends: Is Student Debt Affecting How and When People Marry?
"If someone you love hurts you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it." -Anonymous When I do my student debt talks around the...
Student Loan Debt and the Minimalist Movement: Is There a Link?
“Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like.” - Will Rogers Tiny...
The Stark Effects of Student Debt on Home Buying Trends
For many years, I have been doing my best to sound the alarm: our ballooning student loan debt will grind our economy to a halt. Finally,...