How to Get a Mortgage with Student Loans
On a regular basis, my clients reach out because they want to buy a home but run into trouble getting approved for a mortgage because of...

How Do Loan Strategies Affect Credit?
I would absolutely love to go on a rant about how credit is used to enslave us as human beings making it impossible to make a financial...

Taxes On Forgiveness Strategies
There is a big question I often get when it comes to student loan forgiveness: “Won’t I get a huge tax bill at the end?” or “Yeah...

Lack of Financial Education in School
“The number one problem in today's generation and economy is the lack of financial literacy.” - Alan Greenspan There is something very...

The 6 Basic Scams of the Student Loan Con Artist & How to Beat Them
Unfortunately, when you face a complicated problem in today’s world, the snake oil salesmen are never far behind - offering mysterious...

Horrifying Real World Examples of How Student Loan Situations Often Play Out
I have client. Her name is Mable. She graduated college in 1996 with $60,000 worth of debt. She left school and was paying, paying and...

The Difference Between Student Loans and Normal Loans
Ok let’s jump right in; we all unfortunately know what a loan is at this point in our lives. You borrow money from a lender, the lender...